Friday, October 1, 2010


Hello =)
This is not necessarily a post on my worries, it is rather what I do to overcome all of the worrying and stressing I do. This is me and my sister at Sephora's. I was having a rough day when this picture was taken, and to cheer me up she took me there and I got a little makeover and then put on those really obnoxious eyelashes. I walked around and the looks I got from people were hysterical. It was a fun night, and I can always count on my sister to make my day better.

Similar to Nancy's "mistress" comment about Savannah and how people wanted her to change it to her sister, I'm not saying Carrie is my mistress (LOL), but the whole point of her paper was to convey that Savannah brought out a part of her that she never knew she had and completed her in a way that nothing else could. This is how I feel about my sister, well my actual sister, flesh and blood. She brings out a part of me that I don't have with anyone else. We're goofy all the time, but we support each other. I don't get to see her that much because we both lead extensively busy lives, but the time we actually get to spend together is always the highlight of my day.

She helps me to work out my stress. When she knows that I'm having a bad day, she takes me somewhere or does something for me to show that life is still fun.

My brother comments on us as being "weird" together, but why is weird a bad thing? He's just jealous of us and our awesome characteristics and ability to have a great time together, right? Even my dad once said that I seemed like a different person around my sister. Not different as I change, but I'm more open and carefree. I joke and bounce around like I'm weightless. I love my sister. She completes a part of me that no one else really can.

I hope that everyone else has someone like this to help them through their rough patches and just be "weird" with. Being goofy isn't all that bad... it's FUN. Let your goofy side in and let some steam out. We all need to.


  1. Wierd is good, and having someone to dol silly things with is a great stress reliever. Sometimes I get so busy with school and stuff I forget about that.

  2. Yeah, it really does depend on who your with. I always have a different experience when I'm with my brother, my friends, or my family.

    Nice eyelashes btw.
