Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog or Journal?

Unfortunately I have stopped writing as much on my blog.. I know this is a requirement which makes it seem that much more substantial, but I've found an outlet that has taken me into it's pages and gotten feelings out that I can't display elsewhere. It's my journal.
I've found that I have so many thoughts running through my head and I always find myself wanting to write them down but I never seem to because I never had anywhere to put these pretty little thoughts. Well, they're not all pretty, so scratch that. Most of the things I'm feeling I can't really put on here, so I've found a mixture of emotions transcending from my mind, to my fingers, to pen, to paper. It makes me feel better to know that my thoughts don't just disappear. I don't know why, but I like to remember how I think and feel about certain situations.

My thoughts aren't exactly important to the rest of the world, but they're important to me in a way that I don't exactly understand. But it's a good way to document things that I otherwise cannot when it's only floating through my head. There are things I want people to know, things I want to do that are far fetched, things that scare me, things that excite me... basically it's just me, raw and uncovered in thing sheets of paper bound together in a book. There's something refreshing and relieving about being able to put your thoughts on something and knowing it's actually there. They are not just make believe strings of words coursing through my head, they're actual, literal thoughts, that may not be sane, but no less real.

It's a way for me to tell something, someone how I'm feeling, even if it's only myself that I'm telling. All I know is that it makes me feel better, but I forget that I still have to write on here. Oops =/

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