Sunday, December 5, 2010

 You can't blame gravity for falling in love
 Albert Einstein

Who can you blame for falling in love? Who can you blame for feeling anything? No one really. I think there is something unknown and strange about why we feel the things we do. And I know that with me, no matter how much I tell myself to do one thing, I might always feel another way because I just can't seem to change it. It would be so easy to say we're going to do one thing and actually do it, feel it, change it inside of us. I think one way, but I feel another. I try listening to myself no matter how difficult it may be, but I still find myself backing away from that at times. 

Is it safer to go with how you feel or how you think? Sometimes these two things coincide with each other and agree, but many times we have that struggle inside of ourselves, like the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other. If you only make decisions on your feelings then you may miss out on tons or great experiences or you may heart yourself from falling into the same trap again. If you only make decisions based on detailed thoughts and careful debate there are consequences there too. I think you need to take into consideration both thought and feeling in life, but the tough part is when to listen to your heart or your brain. And I know that you can't actually feel anything with your "heart" as we usually say, but I mean it in the way of our emotions. There's a struggle going on in every person to combat problems and it's interesting to see which path people take. Sometimes we fall into giving into our emotions time after time and repeatedly get hurt, while others may never give into their emotions which could keep them from experiencing something they truly want or that will make them happy. 

There's no clear line between the two. Only a mixing of the two, a real gray area, exists. It's difficult to decide which way to follow in a particular situation, but I feel that if we make a wrong decision we can always try to rectify it. There is always a chance to change something if you want it to change. We just have to try. We're always going to make mistakes and do things we wish we wouldn't have done, but try not to regret it because we learn from our mistakes and our successes. If you wish something had been different just try. You owe it to yourself to try, otherwise you'll spend your whole life wishing you had. 

I worry that we give up too easily on stuff, but that we also hold on to things too much. The human brain is intricate and difficult to understand and it's frustrating at times. 
I worry about acting on my feelings versus my brain... and I don't blame gravity. Things happen because they were meant to. I was meant to feel that way and think that way. Now I'm only trying to find out what I'm meant to think and feel now.

I don't blame myself for falling, to seemingly give into gravity. I don't blame anyone or anything. I can't tell you exactly why I feel the way I do, I can only justify that I do feel this way. Maybe we should stop worrying about why we feel and think more about how to go about life feeling this way. It's to difficult to change so just embrace it. Learn to live with it and combat problems being confident in yourself the way you are. It does no good to worry about something you can't control. It'll only drive you crazy. We think that it's easier to use blame. It takes the responsibility off of ourselves and somehow makes us feel better about ourselves? It makes me feel worse about myself because then I'm too much of a pansy to accept myself for the way I am. It's immature to put the blame on someone or something that doesn't deserve it, but we all do it at times. It is all me, the way I feel and the way I am. I don't feel embarrassed at the way I am because that only means I'm turning my back on myself. I'm proud of the way I am, and I fall for the things that I love. I might fall at times that I don't want to, but I can't deny that I didn't fall. But the thing I'm learning is "I get knocked down but I get up again. Ain't nothing going to keep me down." I'm not down in spirit. I look up and forward to getting stronger every day.

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