Sunday, December 5, 2010


As much as I try to deny that winter is here, it is whether I like it or not. With winter comes snow and bad weather, roads, etc. This means I'm worried about Carlton, my car.

I'm a college student, so of course I don't have a nice car. He's not the greatest thing ever, but he's mine :) I get worried though about him breaking down or having some other sort of trouble and I already need a new muffler. I get nervous to drive him when the roads are bad because I feel like he will just lose control and spin out. This has already happened to me in my neighborhood (where the roads are always ten times worse) last week. I mean everyone has to be extra cautious during this time of the year, just some cars are safer than others. It's not that he's not a safe car to drive in, I just get nervous because I feel like he's fragile haha. 

We've been through a lot together already with different types of problems so I hope he can make it through another season of cold, bad weather. I'm not ready to see him go!
But this also makes me worried for everyone driving during the winter. People still drive fast even though the roads are bad, thinking nothing bad can happen to them, which I can admit to doing as well. You never know when you could lose control of your car, or another car could and then hit you, so we just have to be careful. That's all I'm asking of everyone is to be careful. Stupid Michigan with its stupid weather and stupid roads! Snow, just stay off the pavement please. That would make things much easier.

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