Friday, December 17, 2010


 This is a song that I have taken to heart lately... one of my earlier posts about feeling like everything  is a dream came from this. I can go through the different stages of emotions I have by the songs I listen to. It's interesting how this works...

Songs. The lyrics, the melody, the mood, the memories...
I wish songs wouldn't have so much meaning into them. There are songs that I just can't listen to anymore because of association. This annoys me to no end. Shuffle on the ipod-when it hits that song, push next as fast as you can. I realize just how ma
ny songs I have that I don't want to listen to or simply cannot listen to because of what I associate it with. Songs have such beautiful meanings, but there are occasions when those meanings turn to the dark side and are no longer beautiful.

You just want to erase it... forget that anything ever happened to make you remember something from a tune, but you can't. It's ingrained in your mind, never letting you forget, ever present in your mind.

Why do we let ourselves get attached to things? In particular to this post the music and feelings that come with it. Music can be an escape when you need it, but I feel like it's also a portal to that world that we're most trying to run away from. Things change in your life, but the songs stay the same. They may be old, but they are always stay the exact same. I wish they would change to how I feel now so that I wouldn't have to have bad memories.

I worry that amazing songs get ruined because of the things we relate it back to. I worry that these songs will lose their beauty and true meanings when things like this happen. New songs come though and you can make new associations.. if only these could make those other songs evaporate.

There is so much music out there that we can pick and choose what we want to listen to since there are different genres that cater to our different moods. Music is soothing. Music is soul. Music is the devil at the same time. But I wouldn't want to live without it.


  1. First of all, I think it's super weird that we've had the same song stuck in our heads lately. I listen to this song a lot. Secondly, I think I feel the same way about music, in a way. There are some songs that I just can't listen to because I associate a certain event, memory, or person to them, and it just makes the listening uncomfortable. I couldn't live without music, though, as painful as it can be.

  2. Or at least, I've had this song stuck in my head, and you said you're obsessed with it. So I was assuming it was stuck in your head, too. Either way, I get what you're saying.
