Thursday, September 30, 2010

What friends?

This title is exactly how I feel. College is supposed to bring you new friends but mine has seemed to almost do the opposite. Three of my close friends have moved away so I never see them, and one of those friends I have lost touch with somewhat. So, I talk to them occasionally but I hardly ever see them. My best friend that lives here is hard to see because we're always in class and we work basically opposite shifts. Then there's my sister, my ultimate best friend, but she has a job and is busy all during the week so I never get to hang with her either.

I love going to U of M-Flint, but at times I don't like the part that it's harder to make friends. I go to class, then go to the lab to do homework, then go back to class, and then I go home. This leaves no time to really make friends that I'm going to spend time with outside of school. Yes, there are people I talk to in my classes, but that's as far as it ever goes. I have friends at work, but they're in high school. Yeah, I'm lame.

I just wish that I could make more friends here at college. People say that the friends you make in college will stay with you for a lifetime... so does that mean I will not have friends for the rest of my lifetime? I'm making it a little more dramatic than it really is, but I'm concerned that I look to do things but can't find anyone to do it with. I don't think I'm a completely terrible person to be around, so hopefully I can try making some new friends. I just think that it's harder to do in this setting than at colleges where everyone is staying in dorms and almost forced to mingle right away. I want to be able to enjoy the college atmosphere more, and don't get me wrong, I love it here at Flint, but sometimes I feel alone on campus. This is a worry I have that I wish I didn't have, because we all need to relax with friends to make life more enjoyable. I need to figure out a way to get this back in my life again. One more thing to be on my mind... oh, to be a college student =)


  1. I understand where you're coming from. I find it exceptionally hard to make friends from school. I talk to people at work, but they're either in high school, or over the age of forty, with very fewfalling in between. I'm sure it will work out. But I see where you're coming from.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. Especially at UM-Flint, where most people commute, it is hard to make friends. I truly have only made a few, 2 or 3, friends here that I actually hang out with outside of class. And a lot of the times, we are just doing homework and talking about school! Friends are so important, we should exchange numbers :)

  3. My daughter is down in Ann Arbor. This is her second year, and she has not made a single friend that goes beyond the classroom. She was just home this weekend and we talked about it. My heart is breaking for her because I think she must be lonely. I think back on my highschool and early college years and it seemed like a constant effort to feel connected. As an older person, I believe that people come in and out of our lives for a reason. It's usually when you aren't expecting it that a special friend comes along.
