Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This worry isn't just about me, it's a worry I have for everyone else too. I'm worried that people can't find some bit of happiness in their life. From having a tough time this last week, I knew that I needed something to make me happy again. Whatever it is, people need to find it.

Like at the farmer's market this morning, I took pictures of the colorful produce and people looked at me funnily, but why not do what I want to do? If something's going to make you happy, do it. Without something to make you happy life becomes much more difficult than it actually is, and it's already hard enough. I think we get in our heads too much at times, we can block ourselves from experiencing new and exciting things or we can make those things happen if we want to. Unfortunately, I think our worst enemy is often ourselves.

I worry that we stop ourselves from reaching our highest goals because we're afraid of failure. But knowing that we didn't try in the first place can grind our mind. Why are we not built to automatically go for our dreams, knowing that failure is a part of life and will make us stronger. Even if we know this general idea, this doesn't mean that it's easy to do the things that we want to do that terrify us. All I'm saying is I think we need to do the things we want in order to be happy. The easiest route is not always the best road to travel down. I made a decision just yesterday to embrace something that I didn't want to lose, even though I knew it would have been easier to let it go. I knew I would regret it though, and it would set me up for a longer time of unhappiness. Right now I'm happy and content in some way because I know I did what was right.

I worry that people don't listen to their instincts as much as they should. There is always going to be multiple voices inside your head telling you to do this and that, but we never really know which one to listen to. I'm not saying that following your instinct is always the right decision, but if you don't do what you really feel is necessary it will end up eating you away. You may make a mistake, but you'll learn that and change, instead of maybe never learning how you truly feel. I hope that people have some sense of place where they feel comfortable, but also feel like they jump off of the ledge to follow their heart's greatest desires. If we never jump, we never can never hit the ground, nor can we fly. We're just stuck in the same place, wondering what could have happened if only we had tried.

Failure is necessary to be successful. It's what you take from the failure that decides what kind of a person you'll become. If you don't learn from your mistakes you may continue to fail and get discouraged, but if you ever hope to have a happiness that you cannot deny, you need to fail sometimes in order to know where your passion lies. Don't let the things you truly want in life slip away. If you think it's too late, try anyway. Nothing makes you feel worse than knowing that you gave up because you were scared. Courage comes from those who take their fears and turn them into adventures, knowing that success is not always going to come. We all have courage, we just need to use it. You'll be happy with yourself that you did, and I think happiness is what we're all striving for in the long run. People don't realize how much potential they actually have, and I worry that they'll never see this in themselves. I know it's sort of lame to say this, but I do hope that everyone can find the pieces that make their puzzle. Whether it's a hobby, a job, a friend, anything... find what makes you happy and what makes you reach for the unthinkable.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's tough, the fear of failing is in the back of everyone's mind. Honestly it's governed a larger chunk of my life than I care to admit, you just have to keep working on it little by little. Ignore what others may think and just take the plunge. After all it's your life.
