Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The C Word

Change. It's that dreadful thing that we hate to hear because it risks stability and certainty. Change, at times, can be a good thing though. We often get too complacent in our lives because we get used to things and we live for the status quo. There's the famous saying, "if it's not broken, don't fix it," which people seem to attribute to the idea of change when they are afraid of something different, since they don't know the ramifications or consequences of the endeavors they take part in... but maybe it's not that something is broken, it might just be stale and boring, capable of other things, but doesn't want to fail on the way, so stay the same, where it knows it's safe. Change is needed to keep us guessing, to keep us challenged. Playing it safe for too long makes things boring and continually makes it harder for you to ever step outside of your box. It's like inertia. The longer you oppose change and stand still, the harder it is going to be for you to ever accept change and move with it. I'm not saying that you should constantly be changing and never be happy with what you have, but there are times when you are just itching for a change, something new, something different that won't eat away at your mind with the monotony.

It might be time for a change. It might be time for me to step out of my box and move away from home and experience a world unlike the one I know now. Yes, it will be scary and I might not be as successful as I hope, but I would rather try and fail than live always wondering, "What if I just tried?" What if? The mind feeds off of anxiety  and uncertainty to a particular point. Even though we don't always like the unknown, there's also something exciting in it, in which we like a little mystery instead of always being safe and cautious, always knowing the answer. So why not take a step, take a chance? You might regret not trying, because really, what's the harm in trying, as long as you don't give up at the first sign of fright. Let yourself feed of your nervousness... you might be hungry for some different sustenance. Just think about it, I know I am.

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