Saturday, March 12, 2011

The worries of a college student...

When I first started this blog it was for the purpose of a class and it was about my worries as a college student. Whereas I do believe that we have many things to worry about, I don't think that these worries should keep anyone from remembering to live. When I look back at some of the stuff I wrote before I know there were things that I was going through, and there still are, just different things. There are always going to be things that we worry about, but we can't let that get in our way from finding the light and trying to find something that makes us happy. Worrying is good to some extent, because if we didn't worry, then we wouldn't work as hard or care about things, but worrying too much can hinder our motivation and determination to do things. It's like stress. Stress can be a good thing because it makes us push harder  to accomplish something, but having too much stress can wear you down.

That's what I've learned, not to focus too much on worrying. It's not good to always be worrying about things because your  mind can never relax and be free. I think, though, that everyone needs to go through a difficult time in their life to see that there are challenges that we need to overcome, otherwise you won't appreciate life for the good things it does give you. There are always going to be people going against you, as well as those who go along with you and support you, but it's how you take in the criticisms and praises that determines the outcome. It is not as smart to just go by the criticisms or just the praises. Like with Aristotle's Golden mean, the desired outcome is between two extremes, which means you are weighing the options and considering the two extremes that you could be and go somewhere in the middle. Now, more than ever, I've faced people on one side and some on the other of many things in my life spanning from my schooling and job choices to my relationships with certain people. I'm learning to take those people into consideration, but not to console solely with either, to make a intelligent decision somewhere in-between.  Before I used to worry too much and live more through my worrying.  I don't want to do that anymore. I want to live first, and worry second.

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