Friday, March 25, 2011

I went in to talk to a counselor the other day to figure out my class schedule and looking at the requirements for me to graduate, and I found out that I can graduate next May. Next May. I'm still having trouble comprehending it. It seems like it is coming up so soon already and it is a little scary. I know it's a year away, but that just seems so much sooner than I ever realized. I will be graduating a year early and then what? Do I stay in Flint and go for a masters? Do I try going to law school? What do I do? I know I have a year to figure this out... but if I want to go to law school right out of graduating from Flint then that would mean I would need to start preparing and looking at schools to go to and getting ready to take the LSAT in the fall. I don't know if I'm ready for that. I guess another possibility is to go for my masters in something to do with public administration maybe, then if I want to go to law school after I could do that. But I don't know if I want to stay in Flint or not. It just seems like there is a lot to think about right now and I don't know what to do exactly.

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