Monday, November 8, 2010


I have a worry that the media has gotten away from its real purpose, to report the news to the citizens. Too much now we only hear fluffy topics geared towards what interests people the most so the company can make money. The media should be informing the public, not just telling them what they want to hear.

When people think of the media these days they automatically put up a wall and the first words to come out of their mouths are biased, money-hungry, advertising, etc, but they all have a negative connotation. It's no longer seen as an entity for the people, so that they receive proper information. I worry that the media will never go back to this. Growing up, I've always seen the media as having that job of relaying information to the people, or that's how I think that it's supposed to be. I wanted to be a journalist so I could tell the people things that they don't know, to uncover truths that are hidden in society.

It has gotten away from reporting on the things that are important to what will make money and keep the people happy. Telling the truth isn't always going to make people happy. You have to dig deep to get the real story, and that's what should be happening still, not just dancing around the subject without going further. I think the media has an obligation to the people to tell them things that they don't know, but it has gotten away from this. I don't blame people for seeing the media as something that we should be skeptical of. Will media be able to ever come back to the righteous, objective self that it's supposed to be? In our world of capitalism, probably not. Everyone is interested in making money and no one is there to truly serve the people. Why? Why can't we just care about doing the right thing and making a difference to people?


  1. It all starts at home with the best person you can be and pass it can make a difference and set the example for others to follow...

  2. I completely agree that the media is out of control. They report on what people want to hear, not what is necessarily true. I also think that media is part of the reason that leads to so much harassment and bullying in schools/life in general. In many of these cases too, suicides result and media just headlines it more. No one serves the people anymore and it is sad our world has come to this.

  3. I think there are still some very reliable news resources. NPR, and some news programs from CNN and MSNBC. It does seem as though many journalist are not interested in "digging" for the truth- merely reporting what is "being said". There is a lot of room for honest journalism.
