Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello Dean

This is a picture I took with my camera Dean of a lighthouse while I was up in Marquette. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a lot of pictures because it was extremely windy and cold on the water and my hands were numb. I'm not as into taking pictures of scenery, even though I always think nature looks pretty, I would just rather take pictures of people and capture their personality in a photo. So here's a picture I took in high school of Evan Thompson. 
He is an intense Republican and I feel like there are not a lot of high schoolers that are as dedicated as Evan was, especially enough to have a flag. I loved this picture and I like taking things more like this. Also, I like taking sports pictures. Sort of like this one:

I love taking rapid shot photos and getting one that you get in thesplit moment you have to get the shot. There was one picture I took of a kid playing soccer, and I got an unbelievable shot of him doing a bicycle kick, which is a rare occurrence in general, so I was excited that I got the photo. People make photos interesting. I wish that Flint was a bigger school and had more sporting events to get reaction shots from the students, fans, and players. That's more how like my high school was and there was always people to take pictures of. I just have to figure out how to do that now because that's really what I like to take pictures of the most. People have stories to tell, and sometimes it's the most inspiring to see that through a photograph. Pictures can hold more meaning than words can with the emotion that can be captured.

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