Sunday, January 16, 2011

The little things are most worth it

I feel that I've learned lately to cherish and enjoy the little things and try not to stress as much about things, especially the things you cannot control. Worrying too much about things weighs us down because it gives us something we're constantly thinking about, but not in a good way. Finding something small that makes you happy can sometimes be more rewarding than something really big that can make you happy too I think. At least for me I've found that.

Lately, I have been having a good time, good life, good year. There have already been some things that have on the other side of the spectrum and have tried to hold me back a little from moving forward, but I'm not going to let those things stand in my way. I honestly feel like me right now. I'm happy to know that this is the person I am. I'm proud of myself and I'm enjoying this crazy journey we call life.

Unfortunately I was just turned down for being an orientation leader at school, but I'm not going to let it get to me. There were 40 something applicants for 4 spots, so the odds were slim, but I still tried to get the job. It was a good experience to go in to do the interviewing process and everything, so I can still take something good from it, even though I didn't get the desired outcome. This means though, that I have to start the job hunt now... I really do need to get a job, but I feel like it's going to be more difficult with my school schedule and work load. Oh, but I do have a part-time thing on Wednesday's that will be starting this week. It's a basketball program for autistic kids and I'll get paid a little for helping with it, so that'll give me something to work off of at least.

As for school, I have loads and loads of reading to do for my classes, but I'm still excited about this semester and the opportunites I'll have to learn and grow from my classes. I feel like each one has a lot to offer to me in strengthening my analyzing, writing, reading, and discussion skills. And it'll be a challenge, so it'll give me strength to accomplish tough things. That will give me good satisfaction after it is all done.

One other thing that I have found to help me is to appreciate my friends and what they do for me. I love hanging with my friends to get me out of the house and let my mind roam free a little bit, and they make me happy. Laughing is important, and they sure make me do a lot of it. Things are good right now. It makes me happy to say that. I'm just trying to hold on to it for as long as I can.

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