Thursday, March 17, 2011


So this is a blog about the future. Coming up at the end of my sophomore year, I keep thinking about how these two years have gone by so fast and how the next will as well. And the thing about this is that I will be graduating early... so I don't even have two years to go in my undergraduate degree. I will be turning 20 in less than a month and that's even weird to think about. I will no longer be a teenager. I will be graduating before I'm 22, which is scary. And I'll be moving out in the fall. It seems as if I'm growing up. Not that I haven't been grown up, my dad has always said I've been mature for my age (although that doesn't mean I can't have fun and be silly), but it's like reality is hitting me and soon it will be my turn to take on the world, get a job, and start to build my own life.

I still don't know exactly what I want to do yet, but weirdly I'm not super worried about it. I have a feeling that it will come into place. I like that things are wide open right now and that I'm exploring a few different avenues. I'm planning on going for my masters no matter what, so that also buys me some time before I'm cut off from the security of school. It's kind of exciting to have possibilities of what I can do. I like the place I'm at right now, and I know things will come to change, but I believe that there will be good changes. Not all change is bad, and sometimes we need to embrace it.

One thing I would honestly love to do is just be able to read more. I feel so caught up in reading for school that it's difficult to find time to read on my own, even if there is a bit of time, I'm a tad worn out from the class reading. It's not necessarily that I would like to read just fictional novels, I would like to read history books and philosophy books, anything like that. Sometimes I think that would be amazing because I could learn so much information that I feel like I don't learn in school because there are only certain classes that I can take and there's only so much you can do. I have a full load right now and during the summer I work and go to school so there is really no free time there either.

I know I wrote about this before, but I still need to get on it: my photography. I'm hoping when summer comes around I'll be able to do more things and go outside with my friends and experiment in photo shoots, but I'd love to start taking pictures again. I have the camera I spent all of my money on, but I just don't have the time to really do much with it. I have some ideas for things I would like to do but I haven't had the chance yet. These are just some things I've been thinking of lately I guess... Too many things, so little time.

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