Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Little Bit Stronger

I know this should be something I'm worried about, hence my blog, but I feel like this just really describes me right now. This song by Sara Evans just gives me inspiration because it's true that every day I get stronger. Everything that happens to us in our lives will help us become the people we are meant to be. There are going to be painful things that happen to us, but it's how we take those experiences and learn from them that defines us. I don't want to dwell on the past. I need to look forward and focus on being happy and enjoying life. I'm trying really hard and it's working. Even though I still have my bad days, I know that it'll be better, that I'll be a better person from all of this. I'm not worried that I won't overcome this, the only question is when I can truly say that I've put it all behind me. But I'm not trying to say that I never had a past with him. I still cherish the memories I had with him, it's just sad that things can't be better between us.

I'm moving on though. I am stronger and I will continue to get stronger. I just can't thank my friends enough for being there for me. They have done a world of good for me and I don't know what I'd do without them. I'm sick of thinking that things are going to change. This is my life now and I'm embracing it for what it is. I'm proud of the progress I've made. I won't let my heart be dragged around. I am my own person and I'll be O.K. I can look in the mirror and see battle scars, but this is now a part of me and it'll never go away. Learning from the past will make my future that much better. I worry about myself, but at the same time I don't because I know I can weather the worst. I'm not just going to fall apart because of this loss. I'm stronger than that and just watch me as I continue to grow larger.

This song kind of made me realize this about myself. It's true, my heart will never be the same, but there's nothing I can do about it. I can only control what happens to me from now on and I can accept that. I've accepted what has happened and I'm stronger for this. I don't want to fall again.

I am a fighter.

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