Sunday, October 24, 2010


Right now I am busy with work. I work the entire weekend usually starting with Thursday night. I have worked at Playland Park for 6 years now. If any of you know it, it's the go-kart place on Dort Hwy.

Well right now is our busiest time of the year because we have a haunted house, Saint Lucifer's Asylum. This year actually, we created a second one, 13 Feet Under. I'm a manager there and I have long hours, but it has been great for me right now because I really have nothing else better to do and it's kind of been an escape for me because at least at work I have something to focus on and keep me busy. The only problem is there is only one more weekend for the haunted house and I'm looking to get another job. I want to keep busy still and have that repetitious work load that I'm getting right now, but I don't know where to work.

I was thinking of applying at Borders because I've honestly wanted to work there for a really long time. But at the moment, I'm not even worried that much at where I'm working, I just want somewhere to work where I know I can get some hours and work hard. If anyone has any ideas on which places are hiring please let me know! But I think this week I will start my job hunt. I need to find something else because I've been at Playland too long and things are starting to get to me. I think it's my time to move on, since I have worked there since I was 14.

I've always been working during school, so I'm used to the demands of both. I don't want to take work away because it will give me too much down time that I don't think I'll be able to handle and I won't have any money. I haven't depended on my parents as much for money, I mean for my spending money, since before high school, so I'm used to being independent in that sense. Wouldn't that be great to be able to move out of my house and live on my own... yeah that's going a little bit too far since I don't have that much money. Mostly all I need money for right now is gas since I hardly eat and I don't have any free time to shop or do anything else for the matter.
Oh well, I'm trying to just stay busy, so job, please find me soon.


  1. You should apply at Meijer. I work there; you can apply online. There are so many different positions within the store, they're pretty much always hiring. It's not so bad, and they work around your school schedule. I work about 30 hours a week.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I just posted about how Meijers are everywhere, but then it occurred to me that you probably knew that, so I deleted it, and now I'm done spamming your blog. It's unnecessary.

  4. I had thought of applying for seasonal work at a Barnes and Noble or Borders too. Honestly, it would be like a dream job to me, but I would be too bust checking out books to actually get anything else done! :)

  5. Thanks for that though! Maybe I'll try there =)
    But yeah, I know what you mean.. discounts on books, what could be better!

  6. It's pretty hard finding work now, I work at 7 Eleven pretty much because I'm friends with someone else who works there. I've applied to a dozen other places, but with no luck. It's tough, you should try meijer or barnes and noble if you can, that would be great.
