Saturday, February 19, 2011


Ugh, being sick really is not all that fun.Especially on the weekend. At least I'm not missing class, but I'm still missing the select amount of time free from school.
I get to lay on the couch and watch tv all day.. but it gets boring after a while. My body wants to do something but it doesn't have the energy. I feel a helpless and I hate this feeling. I want to be vibrant an vivacious but I can't. Other than that though, I'm doing very well. Spring break starts after this week of classes so that's something to look forward to.

Ahh, the screen is too bright.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

V-Day.. sounds like D-Day

Happy Valentine's Day.

So today is a somewhat good day. Not as bad as I thought it would be initially. I had a pretty bad yesterday, but it turned around significantly so. I know I don't have a valentine this year, I mean a real one (since I have a pretendish one haha), but I still have someone in my heart. And you know that it still applies that if you look into the mirror you will still see my favorite thing in the world... my best friend.
So it's not a completely depressing day, besides my normal day of classes, yuck. Unfortunately, I hurt my ankle last Thursday playing soccer, but it has gotten better every day. Tonight I will attempt to play in my soccer game, hopefully not injuring it anymore or else I will scream in absolute anger. Not only do I have to be able to play soccer, I have to be able to exercise and run, so getting hurt really is not an option. Wish me luck :)

And I have a little funny story, although I know she doesn't find it amusing, it just made me laugh because usually you're excited to do something special with your valentine on Valentine's Day... but for my sister that's a different case. Currently she is not a happy camper with her husband and when I asked her if she was doing anything special she said yes, but she would rather go with anyone besides for him. I know I shouldn't laugh, but I couldn't help it. Carrie, you know I love you and I still hope you have a wonderful day.

So are you going to kiss me or not?

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Truth

Just don't tell them I've gone crazy
That I'm still strung out over you
Tell them anything you want to
Just don't tell them all the truth
I still need you

Well yeah, it basically speaks for itself. The truth is a hard thing to deal with... so just don't tell them please. It's hard enough to live with it every day and it's too much for others to know that it's still the same, after all this time.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Such a great text from last night....

(605): You love him. Dinosaurs. Math. Sex.

Unfortunately the really good ones are too inappropriate for this.. :(

Bad pop, bad

You want to know what smells bad? Frozen coke zero that has exploded in my car. I don't know exactly why it smells so bad, but let me just tell you, don't keep a full can of pop in your car overnight in the winter. Just not smart on any level really.

I opened my car door this morning and was hit with this gross smell exiting into the open space, searching for fresh air. I laughed because I saw frozen slush on various parts of my car... I mean, it was pretty funny. I just thought, "yep, I'm dumb for leaving this in here for so long." My mom has had this happen to her many times when she puts a can in the freezer to make it really cold. The fridge isn't good enough? But she has to set an alarm on the stove to make sure she doesn't forget about it because it will explode and there will be slush all over. Fun times.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

D. Sharon Pruitt, Pink Sherbet Photography
I know I seemed pretty anti-love earlier, but I came across this picture and I thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I'd share. Enjoy :)

Mon cœur est à toi

Love Stinks

I saw something that totally made my day. Since it is obviously getting close to Valentine's Day there are ads on countless websites about it and what not. Lovely right? Well the part that made me laugh was on Pandora, there is a strip at the top that says "Get ready for Valentine's Day by listening to one of our Love (or Love Stinks) Stations." It absolutely made me smile that they have a love stinks station because that is what I need. I'm so sick of everything being all about this day because for half of the people it's an amazingly romantic day, and for the other half it's the worst day ever. Most people only cater to the love birds, but now there is someone catering to the heartless. That makes me very happy. Thank you Pandora for giving me something extra cheery to listen to on Valentine's Day. It will honestly probably make Monday a hell of a lot better than it was going to be. And for all of you that have someone to share this sappy day with, then I guess congratulations. I'm truly happy for you and your coupleness.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The C Word

Change. It's that dreadful thing that we hate to hear because it risks stability and certainty. Change, at times, can be a good thing though. We often get too complacent in our lives because we get used to things and we live for the status quo. There's the famous saying, "if it's not broken, don't fix it," which people seem to attribute to the idea of change when they are afraid of something different, since they don't know the ramifications or consequences of the endeavors they take part in... but maybe it's not that something is broken, it might just be stale and boring, capable of other things, but doesn't want to fail on the way, so stay the same, where it knows it's safe. Change is needed to keep us guessing, to keep us challenged. Playing it safe for too long makes things boring and continually makes it harder for you to ever step outside of your box. It's like inertia. The longer you oppose change and stand still, the harder it is going to be for you to ever accept change and move with it. I'm not saying that you should constantly be changing and never be happy with what you have, but there are times when you are just itching for a change, something new, something different that won't eat away at your mind with the monotony.

It might be time for a change. It might be time for me to step out of my box and move away from home and experience a world unlike the one I know now. Yes, it will be scary and I might not be as successful as I hope, but I would rather try and fail than live always wondering, "What if I just tried?" What if? The mind feeds off of anxiety  and uncertainty to a particular point. Even though we don't always like the unknown, there's also something exciting in it, in which we like a little mystery instead of always being safe and cautious, always knowing the answer. So why not take a step, take a chance? You might regret not trying, because really, what's the harm in trying, as long as you don't give up at the first sign of fright. Let yourself feed of your nervousness... you might be hungry for some different sustenance. Just think about it, I know I am.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gary Allan - Watching Airplanes

I would have to say that this is definitely a favorite of mine. While I love the music and listening to it, the lyrics also hit a string with me. There's something poetic about watching airplanes.. waiting and watching helplessly for something that isn't going to come, or at least never knowing which one she will actually be on. I think love does that to people, makes monotonous things not so monotonous.  Nothing matters except the burning passion and despair in the soul.

Also, watching airplanes makes me think of something a little kid would do. I think another thing love makes us do is act childish, and not necessarily in a bad way, but we get all giddy over things and we take enjoyment out of small things again, we find beauty in the things that we wouldn't normally see. But the helplessness I feel in this song, it's sad, but beautiful at the same time. I don't know, there's just something about this song that I will always love.

I love the line, "I wonder what you'd do if you looked out your window, and saw me running down the runway, just like I was crazy." Like really, I wonder what that person would do if they saw that person running crazily after them. There's something amazing about that. Love makes people do some crazy things when they don't want to lose someone. This makes things romantic and have such value. Things matter when you have someone to care about.

Sitting outside and watching plane after plane, ones taking off and some coming in, it is repetitive and stable. When something bad happens and you can't figure out why, something you can count on helps. You know that a plane will come in and one will go out. It's something stable to ease the mind. Maybe someday I'll sit outside and watch the airplanes.. in the summer of course, but I feel like it could potentially be a fun time. Just a place to relax and watch something you've never watched before. It could happen.
Confusion. This is what I feel. Nothing seems clear to me anymore. Well one thing is clear to me, but there are complications that come with it, so that is what makes it all seem confusing.
I wish things in life were simple. I know they never will be, but I can dream, hope, wish.
And that is what I seem to do... dream, hope, wish, about the things I want. I don't regret ever doing anything, but sometimes I do wish they had turned out differently.

The one thing I hate the most is people saying, "If it's meant to be..." O.K., yes, I understand why people say this and it's true, but this can also be the worst thing to hear. We all just want to know if it's going to be or not. Uncertainty is such a brain-twister at times. It muddles my mind. That's what I feel like - I'm in a big pile of mud and I look to the things I want and try to get there, but there is something tenacious holding me back.

I guess all we can say is que sera, sera. Whatever will be will be...
What else is there to do but just wait and see? : /

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goodbye? :(

Sometimes I feel like all we ever do is say gooodbye. I don't want to, but this seems to maybe be the case. Why? You slip through my fingers just like that...and you're gone.